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It's almost 2013. "Fall back" happened this weekend, which has major implications in my life AKA my car's clock will be an hour ahead for the next 125 days until it's time to "spring forward" on March 10th because I can't for the life of me figure out how to reset it.

The year is definitely winding down, but I've decided to make a few Novemberesolutions before 2013 begins. In case you've never heard of Novemberesolutions, here is the official definition that I just made up:

Novemberesolution noun \nō-ˈvem-bər- nə-re-zə-ˈlü-shən\
: something that is resolved in the month of November Novemberesolution to mend my ways>

Here's what I have on my list:
  1. Read Atlas Shrugged {mostly because I really want to see the movie but I feel guilty not reading the book first. English major guilt is almost as serious as Catholic guilt. For reals.}
  2. Make my bed every. single. day.
  3. Do yoga once a week.
  4. Be more awesome.
  5. Eat less nachos. {HA. Hahaha. Haha...we all know this isn't going to happen but I figured I should at least pretend to try. That has to count for something, right? Someone? Anyone? Santa?}
Do you have anything that you want to accomplish before January 1st? Do you have anything you want ME to accomplish before January 1st?


WoWo said...

Did you accomplish #4 already? probably

I think I should make a Novemberesolution list. I'd like to get 1 book for myself at the library, read it, and return it on time.

I'd also like to try to make brocooli cheese soup.

Cal said...

I'll leave it up to y'all to judge whether or not I've accomplished #4 yet. It's an annual one that makes my New Years Resolution list every year (and sometimes is the ONLY one on the list. Hahaha!)

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