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Grandma Lebowski

Sunday I called Grandma to wish her a happy grandparents' day (I know, I'm pretty sweet) and asked her about her weekend. Usually she tells me about her progress on the latest knitting project, playing with her great-grand nieces or having dinner at the Pierpont Racquet Club with her friends. This time she said, "Last night I netflixed The Big Lebowski. And I LOVED it! Those dudes were funny. I mean, they used the f-bomb a little too much for my liking and the whole thing was a little raunchy but it fit with the characters so I didn't mind too much."
"I errrr you ummm, really? The Big Lebowski?" I sputtered, trying not to laugh.
"Yes, I know. I figured you'd all be embarrassed by your grandmother but I wanted to see it so I did."
"Grandma, I'm not embarrassed. I'm proud!"
"Good. Now let's talk about that USC Ohio State game..."


Andhari said...

She really sounds super cool and updated, followed that by football? WOW.

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