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Out on the town

Sometimes Kelsey and I get adventurous and we go out on the weekend. To a bar. At night. I know, it sounds a little strange for two 24 year olds to go out but we all know we're actually little old ladies so its ok for us. Or maybe that should be the other way around...
So Friday night we went to Bulldog and after waiting eleventy billion hours for a table (ok maybe it was like 5 minutes but whatever) two spots opened up at the bar and since the bartender was cute and had been flirting with us for the eleventy billion hours (aka 5 minutes) we'd been standing there, we snagged the barstools and ordered us some drinks (and by some drinks I mean one each...the whole time we were there). Now, the aforementioned cute bartender introduced himself as either Justin or Joseph but neither of us can be totally sure because again, we're senile and it was loud in that place. LOUD. He continued to flirt with us calling Kelsey "Blondie" (like she has never gotten that before) and me "California" (again with the originality). Given the nicknames he chose we should not have been surprised when he fully launched himself into bartender cliche mood but somehow it still caught us unaware. It happened when I asked him for the tab and he pretended to pout, asking, "Where are you guys going next?"
"We're not sure yet," I lied through my teeth knowing full well it was fast approaching bedtime and neither of us would be going anywhere but home next.
"Aww, well, you should come back at like 1:30. I think it's going to rain and I rode my motorcycle to work." Oh Ju...Jo..Jawhateveryournameis. Of course you rode your motorcycle to work. And of course you had to tell us that.
"That's what cabs are for, buddy," I said (notice my ingenious method of avoiding saying his actual name). Now you may think I was being rude but really I was just deflecting so neither of us would have to admit we would be SOUND asleep by 1:30am. Sound. Asleep.
We smiled prettily at him while he tried to figure out if he had just been shot down, or maybe he was trying to figure out why he hadn't thought of taking a cab but either way we gave him a tidy tip and skipped off to bed like good little girls. It was 10:00pm.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Drinks, flirting, and asleep by 11. My kind of night.

Andhari said...

awww i wonder how it feels to be home soon and sleep like that. Might be a nice change. I guess my life is so cliche with all those late nights lol

KelseyRose said...

You post lies..... it was 8:30 when we arrived at casa de Caley. Played with Ebs until 10. Which was still too late in my book.

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