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From Mother Mary to Jerry Springer

It is Friday. Know what that means? It means I get to do a cop-out post where I use my friends' funniness to avoid writing! WHOOHOO!

Me: I don't really like the name Mary or Marie or Maria.
Sister: I'm going to tell Jesus that you don't like his mommy's name
Sister: and you won't get an Easter basket
Sister: and then I'll tell Maria who works for the sheriff's department and she'll arrest you when you come out to California for Memorial Day weekend
Sister: but that would be ok because I could talk her into putting you under house arrest
Sister: and you'd HAVE to stay at my house since you don't live here
Sister: and then you'd have to see me every single day! MUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sister: omg - did I just take that way too far!??!

Me: Omg, news headline: "A Teacher Accused of Teaching Class Drunk"
Justina: hahahahahaha
Justina: i want to be in that class
me: we could have taught that class
Justina: cha-ya

Me: so the model on la senza?
Sister: yeah?
Me: would like her hair and her body please
Me: and maybe the tank she is modeling, too
Sister: that almost made me want to put down the hershey's kiss I was eating for breakfast
Sister: but I didn't

Me: How was the live taping?
Lettie: AMAZING!
Me: I love that you loved jerry springer.
Lettie: Well anytime you get to chant "Toothless whore" is usually an amusing time


Dolce said...

The header is PERFECT!!! It really looks great.

And, Wow! I'm really out of touch. I didn't know Springer was still on TV.

Andhari said...

You and your sister convo is sooo me. I was eating popcorn with my mom while watching ANTM, commenting on their bodies and how we feel like fat asses while still eating :P

Sara said...

Oh, love love your new header!!

My sister is way more funny than me too, no fair :P

Lisamaree said...

Oh well, I believe in Jerry Springer..

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