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Class Warning

Last week in class our professor asked at the start of lecture, as he does every week, if anyone had any announcements. It was silent as everyone looked around the room until the TA stood up in the back, unzipped her Northface and said, "I guess I can't really hide it anymore; I'm pregnant!" Everyone clapped and then she said, "Oh, with twins." The clapping increased and then she said, "I'm due on September 15th."
At this, woman a few tables over jumped up, unzipped her coat and said, "I'm pregnant and I'm due on September 15th, too!" As soon as all the laughter and clapping quieted down our guest speaker stood up, shook his head and said, "Professor Gary, what are you teaching in this class?"
"Leadership for the Common Good" should probably put something on its warning label; CAUTION: side effects may include pregnancy.


confusador said...

A warning? Or an advertisement?
I would totally take that class.

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