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Oh boy(s) Part II

OK so I've made references to the fact that I tend to have strange dates. Here is a run down of one such recent date. There are many more in my archives, I might just keep pulling them out and continuing with this "Oh boy(s)" series.

-invite date to a pro sporting event (my parents are season ticketholders)
-get call day of event that date has to go to work halfway through event
-date invites me to dinner before event to make up for having to leave early
-i agree
-i can't figure out to wear, have to ask my next door neighbor for an outfit consult and barely leave on time
-show up, date is crabby after getting no sleep the night before
-halfway to resturaunt, date notices he forgot his wallet
-go back to his apartment to pick wallet up
-we eat, drink, and then date realizes his credit card is not in the wallet we went back to get
-i pay
-we miss lightrail because waitress comes running after us to give date back the keys he left on the table
-late for game
-i buy drinks, drop one of them, person next to us (who happens to be a family friend) reaches to pick it up, hits his head on a railing and gets a giant goose egg on his forehead
-i feel bad
-we leave game early so date can get to work
-i slip on mysterious liquid walking around inner ring of the dome, fall, land on my bad knee and look stupid
-date laughs
-drunk girls at lightrail compliment me, say i'm beautiful and ask date how he ended up with me
-date "jokingly" tells them that i'm his sister
-i'm not amused
-he does it again
-still not amused
-get back to date's apartment and am ditched in his living room so he can get ready for work
-i let myself out
-kelsey and i meet for wine, hash out the evening and pronounce it to be one of the worst dates ever (even worse than the date when the guy took me to noodles and company and then had a weird reaction to the pasta sauce during which he kept sweating profusely and dripped some of it into my food.)
-i drink too much wine
-wake up feeling miserable
-little brother brings a smoothie to me in bed and somewhat restores my faith in men
-i erase date's phone number from my phone
the end.


Anonymous said...

What a dweeb. And damn, what a STORY. Bad dates are the land where sitcoms meet real life, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Serves to teach you an important lesson: Boys are bad news. Never forget that.

Also serves as a good reminder to the rest of us. I was thinking about dating recently, but now I remember why I don't*. So, way to take one for the team!

*I'd kind of like to get married some day, but first I've got to find an Other Way to get there.

El Vato Suave said...

I think she's got the right idea. We can turn your experiences into a TV show. Perhaps we can call it "The Caley Chronicles."


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