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Four years later

Ok, tomorrow is the fourth anniversary of Sidenote:. AH! I still can't believe it.
I haven't written consistently for all four years (there is gap of over a year) but still. I'm proud.
Here are a few of my favorite moments from over the years as captured in my posts:

The time Jonas tried to use a mouse on my ankle when setting up wireless internet at Common Ground with Matt. A first in Common Ground... 9.5.04
My first day of class sophomore year when my name actually appeared on the menu at the cafeteria. The first day of class... 9.10.04
When I called my dad during his business trip and found out he was in Mexico taking shots of tequila. This 'n' That 12.2.04

*Jonas' ode to me after a long absence from blogging (it refers to olives and cookies...things he still brings up in comments.) "Oh where... 7.25.05
*Having a fish actually try to bite off a mole on my leg while floating at the cabin. Protect Your...Moles? 8.7.05
*When Alex Micek told me, "Thank you for helping me meet my girlfriend!" Five years after I set them up, he and Kala are still together and I couldn't be happier for them. Housekeeping on Facebook 11.10.05

*Sometimes I feel like I actually capture something real that might actually mean something. Seeing an old gentleman tie his wife's scarf around her head was one of those moments. Love is a plastic head scarf. 5.30.08
*The memory of dancing with Dan on an abandoned stage in Madrid which launched me into thoughts about how certain people appear in my life right when I need them. Trade-offs 6.11.08
*Remembering Grandpa John. Family musings: Part II 7.21.08

And finally, my favorite post of all time. Reading it makes me think, "Where did that insight come from?" I wrote it during a tough time and the things I poured out then still resonate with me now. So, it just goes to show that while everything can change in four years some things just might always stay true. Untitled 5.24.05


Anonymous said...

A first in Common Ground... is my favorite, but not because of the mouse thing. I just like Erbob. Weird to think that I wasn't reading yet (Hey! You had only been posting for a week!).

El Vato Suave said...

Are you sure that was four years ago? I must be getting old. I tell my students that I'm 47 years old. They don't believe me and tell me that I'm older than that.

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