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a first in common ground...

...we have wireless internet!
I made friends with the tech, Erbob (pronouced air-bob). It is amazing what giving someone a glass of cold iced tea on a hot day will do. Erbob is from Somalia, has TEN children aged 7mo-15yrs, has a degree in electrical engineering, used to live and work in Saudia Arabia, and is now stuck in a job for which he is overqualified in order to feed his children. When I asked if he likes his job he answered with a smile, "No, I hate it but I am patient. For now I work to survive but everything will be better someday. I will be patient." When he hooked up the modem and it didn't work he said, "It has a fault. You see, nothing on earth is without fault. Everything has fault."
While Erbob was running the new cable to the house he encountered some branches that needed to be removed. Of course Tiff and I couldn't find any saws and the Fathers weren't home next door. Farther down the street, Peter and Barb found four, count 'em four, handsaws for me. Rounding the corner to our backyard feeling very proud of myself I heard a loud buzzing...Tiff had managed to find a chainsaw and someone to operate it. So much for my four handsaws.
Jonas and Matt worked tirelessly on the wireless software installation for hours last night. They were wonderful and I'm willing to forget that Jonas actually tried to use a mouse on my ankle...gotta watch out for those seminarians.
So many people were willing to help us out. The Lord really does provide and now...
...we have wireless internet.
:end sidenote


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Sidenote by Sidenote Cal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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