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What should I be doing right now? I SHOULD be getting dinner started for the fam, organizing my last Common Ground bound box of stuff, cleaning my bathroom, or taking a CEU class online but instead I am here. Typing.
The last few days have been could even say phenomenal. My beautiful room overlooking Summit Avenue and the edge of campus is really just that...beautiful. It has all come together wonderfully except for one final bare wall. There are several possibilities for said bare wall and we're not sure which is going to actually happen many options...just have to wait and see what happens. Besides, with the canOpy in my room I really can't go wrong.
Tiff, Kala and I went on an adventure to the Rainforest Cafe last night and I'm going to be honest...that place made me fairly uncomfortable. Brenden the Fossil guy pulled the, "What's that on your shirt? Whoop! I got you!" It was more than creepy. I initiated Tiffany into the world of Coldstone while Mykala allegedly witnessed a shooting in the bathroom.
Back at Common Ground, or Carmen Ground as it is apparently often misheard, I got bangs for the first time in my entire life. This logically led to driving to Walgreens at 11pm to buy hairspray. Obviously we ended up not only with hairspray but with Dots and Revlon hair dye in "Bittersweet." The girl at the checkout actually told me she didn't think "Bittersweet" was a good color for me. She even offered to let me trade for something else that might work better...moving on...the results have been called "classy" and I have been told I look older. I was a bit nervous Daddy wouldn't approve since he DID just pay a fair amount of money two weeks ago to have my hair lowlighted but when I told him he actually laughed. Like I said before...phenomenal.
:end sidenote


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Sidenote by Sidenote Cal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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