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In vino veritas

The first time I tried wine, I hated it.

I thought there was something wrong with me. As an Italian woman, it is my birthright to love wine. But I didn't. My mom has always loved wine. Back in the day when I was a kid and she wasn't a fancy retired life of leisure lady, she drank boxed Franzia. I thought those little spout pourer gadgets were the coolest thing ever.

Luckily I didn't give up. I tried more wine. Other wines. All kinds of wine! Turns out I just didn't like that one specific wine. Now? I love wine and all is right with the world. Or all *was* right with the world, anyway.

Until tonight.

Tonight, my wine opener pinched the crap out of my hand. So hard it made a little blood blister. Maybe it was protesting having to open such a cheap bottle, or perhaps it just had an off day.

No matter what the reason, I feel like a very close, dear friend has betrayed me.

The lesson here? Take note of this important safety issue:
wine with a spout > wine with a cork


WoWo said...

Were you enjoying your beloved wine while writing this post? or did your wine opener really pinch your wine? That's just rude if it did.

Confusador said...

Oh, man, I wish I could reply with a picture of my bar! Suffice to say that boxed wine has come a loooong way, especially the South American stuff. Still, sometimes what you want is in a bottle, and the corkscrew should not betray you! Maybe you should start seeing other... tools(?)... for a while? (That doesn't sound quite right, but it's what I'm going with.)

P.S. I keep forgetting to give you the bottle that Liz left for you at "Thanksgiving".

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