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My Daddy

 My dad is amazing. 

Not only did he never miss a dance recital, he even went to 15 years worth of dress rehearsals. He's still the one I call in the middle of the night when I hear a scary noise and no matter what time it is he always offers to come over. Whenever I stop by my parents house, there are treats waiting for me in the fridge...fresh raspberries, handsqueezed orange juice, marinated olives. Growing up, he designated Saturdays as our special days and would take me out in his collector car to run errands and visit his favorite haunts. After business trips he always came back with trinkets for us kids, even if it was just the plastic room key from his hotel or a set of wings from the airplane, and he called every night to tell us he loves us.

If everyone could have a dad like mine, I'm fairly positive our prisons would be less crowded, wars would all but disappear, and the world would be a better place.


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