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How to order ice-cream

How to order ice-cream: If you're as classy as me you just say, "I'll take the stuff with Jameson in it." If you aren't as classy as me, you'll ask for the "Irish Moxie" ice-cream which is coffee based with a dash of Jameson. Yum.

Izzy's Ice Cream {which is a mile from my house} has been featured on the Food Network and with good reason. It's delicious and has a super cool feature where you can see in real time the inventory of ice-creams in the cooler. You can even sign up to receive an email when they restock your favorite flavor! Did I mention, yum?

Note: Please excuse my dazed expression and messy hair. I was in sweatpants, half asleep on my couch when I was told by a friend we were walking to Izzy's for a treat RIGHT NOW. I pulled it together but just barely.



sara said...

I woke up craving frozen yogurt for breakfast, and then you go and post this? I'll try really hard to love you today, I'll try.

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