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What's that you say? You want another bug story? OK!
Starting at age 3, I was obsessed with worms. It's hard to say if it started with gummy worm candies and then spread to earthworms or vice versa but either way, it happened. When Dad came home from his weekly business trips he would have a bag of gummy worms hidden away in his carry-on for me. Mud pie making always occurred with the utmost care to avoid chopping any of the squiggly guys in half with my plastic shovel.

It shouldn't have been a surprise when instead of having a princess party for my fourth birthday I wanted to have a worm party, or as I pronounced it a "wu-m pa-ty;" pronouncing 'r's was not my strength. Mom pulled it off, cooking a mud cake with gummy worms all over it and creating homemade worm decorations (no party supply company carried any.)

When kindergarten rolled around I found out how fun it was to wait for the bus in the rain because all of the worms came out onto the driveway. One by one I would pick them up and place then back on the grass so no one would run them over. My responsibility of Worm Rescuer ended when I got my drivers license but to this day I still stop to throw a few back on the dirt after a storm.

In middle school we had to dissect earthworms and even though Miss. Moriarty the science teacher insisted that if we cut them cleanly into two parts they would still live because of their multiple hearts, I couldn't bring myself to do it. My lab partner had to slice mine for me.

I'm not sure if earthworms really count as bugs but they are one of the two kinds of creepy crawlies that I actually like so for today, they're legit.

Anyone want to have a wu-m pa-ty?
(Photo from Google Images)


Kristie said...

Looks like Mallory might have the same love of worms. She dug in the garden until she found a handful of her "worm friends" and insisted that they stay in her bucket even though they kept trying to escape. Too bad she doesn't like gummy worms or I'd have a great 4th birthday theme!

Nick McGivney said...

Um, you're the first other Worm Official Rescue Monitor that I've actually met. Even in cyberspace. I still do it quite a bit. But I still feel like everybody's watching. But I still do it. Even though I feel like... oh, you know. Anyway. Now I know I'm not the only one. We should have a badge. Or a ringlet wristband. Or maybe I should go now and see if eBay have any of that Life thing on offer. I could get me one of them too. But the ringlets. Think about that one. Jacob says hello, and apologises for being quite such a useless blogger of late. It is all not my fault. No way.


Nick McGivney said...

Man. I wrote out a really long and boring comment and it got lost in space. How annoying. Anyway, fellow worm rescuer, I'm working on an international badge of recognition for worm rescuers, now that I know you are one too. Will let you know progress when there's progress.

Jacob says helloo and apologises for not visiting, blogging or generally doing anything but pleasing his own sef. And us. Much love from the actual centre of the universe.



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