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Elevator Confusion

Recently I celebrated my one year work anniversary. The celebration included lunch out with Boss and an afternoon DQ Blizzard icecream run with a coworker. Pretty sweet, right? So you'd think that after a full year I'd have the ins and outs of my office and the building where it is housed under control.
Not so.
The U of M has miles and miles of underground tunnels (somewhere between 6 and 9 miles, I can't remember the exact number) and (hallelujah hallelujah) there is one that connects my building to the parking garage so in the winter I never have to go outside to get to my car. The elevator from said tunnel to said parking garage confounds me every single time I use it, never fail. See, on one side of the elevator is the up button and on the other side of the elevator is the firefighter call key hole. And they look exactly. The. Same.

Inevitably at the end of a long day (and really, what work days aren't long?) I will push the non-button on the right and wait for approximately 2 to 17 minutes for the elevator to show up before I realize that in order to call it I needed to push the actual up button on the left. Even better is when other people show up and wait with me, assuming I'm an intelligent enough person to have pushed the correct button. That's when I feel really cool.
(Sorry about the blur. I took about ten pictures of each side and this was the best I could do...)
P.S. I still get a headache if I think too hard about which crosswalk to use.


Anonymous said...

And that is why I take the stairs.

Andhari said...

I get elevator confusions from time to time. Especially when it's a two sided.

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