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Learn from her mistake

I have this friend. And my friend told me I need to share a warning with you; a Public Service Announcement of sorts. So here you go. A PSA. From my friend.

Sometimes after having a few glasses of wine you might find yourself sleeping somewhere other than your own bed to avoid driving under the influence (smart choice.) Here's where you need to watch out: if you wake up in the middle of the night and decide that you need to finger brush your teeth (you know, put the toothpaste on your finger and brush brush brush) because you forgot to do so before going to sleep, make sure you completely rinse the toothpaste off of your finger toothbrush before going on to remove the mascara that has smudged under your eyes. If you do not completely rinse off the toothpaste you risk it getting in your eyes and that, my friends, is not a good thing. No no no, it is not a good thing. In fact, it stings like the dickens and makes it very difficult to go back to sleep.

There you have it. You should know I'm only posting this because my friend was so adamant about sharing how painful and some might even say traumatizing toothpaste in your eye at 3am can be. I mean, at least that's what I hear anyway. My friend will feel much better now knowing that you have had the opportunity to learn from her mistake.

Picture from Google Images


Linasolopoesie said...

(=*.*=).davvero bello il post .
(")__(") ....ora sii gentile vieni
nel ....mio

Anonymous said...

Please thank your friend from us.

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