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Talents (or lack thereof)

I have many talents. The following things are not among them...
Driving directions. Giving them, following them, reversing them to get home: I can do none of these things. Nothin. I can navigate subways in foreign countries with no problem but thank goodness for Garmin here on American roads.
Choosing Tupperware for leftovers. I'm generally pretty good with spacial relationships but for some reason I never pick the right size Tupperware for the amount of food I have left. I either pick one too small and my pasta spills over the edges, or an uneaten fillet looks tiny in my giant plastic container.
"Name the artist" music game. I realize this isn't an actual game, just a made up one people play in the car but I am still awful at it. Doesn't matter if you pick songs off the radio or an ipod, my brain cannot make the connection between the music I hear and the name of the artist who is playing it. Cannot. Can. Not.

If you need someone to McGiver a ripped dress back together with hair pins and painters tape, I'm your girl. Need help choosing the perfect shade of paint for your living room? Pick me! Pick me! There are many situations in which my random skills come in very handy. But if you need to know how to get somewhere, help packaging up food, or the name of the band who plays that one song...I am not your girl. Do not pick me.


Anne said...

haha - Good to know! Not trying to brag or anything - but Directions - I ROCK at! I am a walking compass. If you get lost - call me, I'll get you home. When I need paint colors - I WILL be calling you :)

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