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Always stop for lemonade

So, Miss. Sprynczynatyk's status on gchat today was "Always stop at lemonade stands." Frankly, I couldn't agree more. It is just something you do. Always. Like helping little old ladies cross the street. I have found that there aren't many opportunities to do that these days, at least not stateside, as we seem to tuck all of our little old ones away in nursing homes where they can't bother us (if you couldn't pick up on my sentiments on the subject, I am more of a fan of the European way of keeping the older generations in the home with the family. note, I do believe there are exceptions when it is best for everyone to put someone in a nursing home but...yeah. anyway...) In Spain I was always giving an arm to a wrinkled woman with egonomic black shoes to match her black dress and black lace mantilla. Getting back to the original thought, one should alway stop at lemonade stands even if it means circling the block to come back and grab a parking spot. My mom agrees with this philosophy, except she never drinks the lemonade. She drives a block or two away to get out of sight and then dumps it. Why? The thought of the grubby chubby hands that made it is just too much for her to handle. Yes, slightly OCD but I go along with it to make her feel better. Secretly though, when she isn't around, I drink the lemonade. Shh...don't tell?


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