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Conversation #1

Last week, I had a conversation with my nephew.

This might not seem like blog worthy news, but it was the first time talking to him on the phone in a real dialogue. Usually, Sister has to prompt him to answer my questions and he parrots her but this time, he was the one asking questions and even answered all of mine on his own.

"What doing, Auntie?"
"I'm cleaning the kitchen."
"I sweep!"
"Such a big helper! Do you want to help me clean?"

We kept chatting for a while and when I hung up, I just sat down in the middle of my kitchen floor and almost started crying.

How did he go from this little nugget of a baby to a REAL BOY? (Yes, I did say that Pinocchio style.)

In two years, most of us don't change much. We don't learn a language, completely outgrow our wardrobes, or master a sport but babies do all that and more: talk, grow, walk, run, count, feed themselves. It's a reality check and makes me think to myself, "What do I want to accomplish in the next two years?"


KelseyRose said...

I think in the next two years you will want to eat more pie and move to Lubbock with your blonde counterpart.

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