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I'm alive! On Tuesday night I got The Food Poisoning from a place called Oak City,* which I am officially renaming Restaurant from H-e-doublehockeysticks. Luckily, I have a kitten who loves me so much she was willing to spend all of Wednesday following me back and forth from the couch to the bathroom floor and a boss who now text messages so I didn't actually have to pause from my misery to call in sick to work.

There was a Sex in the City marathon on TV and I managed to take morning & afternoon naps which pulled me through and now I'm back to eating real, whole, solid food again. Yipee! I missed it. Desperately. For that entire 24 hours.

Moral of the story?

I could never have an eating disorder. I love food and hate getting sick farrrrrrrr too much. Oh and don't eat at Oak Ci---I MEAN...Restaurant from H-e-doublehockeysticks.

*Yes, I am fully aware that proper grammar does not dictate the italicizing of restaurant names. I did it anyway. It felt right at the time.


Angela said...

ouch, hope you are better. food poisoning was no fun, been there and done that. I didn't know I could be such good friend with my toilet. :(

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