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A Pinkberry Prayer: ANSWERED

For those of you who don't believe in the power of prayer, behold...I have proof they work.

Back in November, I asked Saint Honoré to intercede on my behalf to get a frozen yogurt place like Pinkberry here in Minnesota.

He pulled through in a BIG WAY. Within walking distance of my office, there is now a by-weight frozen yogurt place with all the toppings my little heart desires. Even the logo colors look like Pinkberry's! I'm a happy, happy girl. Welcome home, Chilly Billy's Frozen Yogurt. Welcome home.

P.S. Confusador commented on my prayer post, "I don't know, trying to bring a frozen treat franchise to MN seems like a fools errand, I certainly wouldn't put any money on it." Who's the fool now, hmmmm???


Sara said...

You're stinking cute AND holding frozen yogurt. I couldn't be more envious right now.

Alpha Monkey said...

We are not fools, my friend!

Alpha Monkey said...

I am going to have to find a schedule so I do not end up there when class lets out!

Cal said...

I didn't know you're on campus! We should go there together sometime :)

Alpha Monkey said...

I'm not on campus...but I'm willing to cross the river for good frozen yogurt. Oh, we should definitely meet there!

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