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Keyword Commentary

Gotta love the keywords people type into search engines and eventually land them here.

"I'm bored what should I do"
Read my blog! That will entertain you! Maybe. On a good day. When I haven't slacked off and avoided writing for a few weeks.{Sorry about my lack of consistency, kids. I'm working on it.}

Just to clarify, the post that included the word "neked" had nothing to do with me being neked. Promise.

"set of twins for adoption in england [ages 13-16]"
 No idea. But kudos for adopting older children, right? Although that's a very specific set of criteria...

"step brothers shark week"
My favorite week of the year is shark week. Last year I was at home post-surgery for the whole thingon bedrest and taking serious painkillers. It was pretty awesome {when I could stay awake.} I don't have any step brothers. Or step sisters.

That's me!

"Devon Sawa"
...was hot. The end.


WoWo said...

those are how people found you? Interesting! Also, I'd like to just point out to your loyal readers that it seems an eerie coincidence that the 3 days I'm out sick are the 3 days you decide to post new blogs. I'm not sayin.....I'm just sayin....

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