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8 Crispy Legs

Spiders and I don't get along. They tend to get in places where they shouldn't and scar me for life. When I was about 9 my mom made raspberry smoothies at the lake and it wasn't until I had almost finished mine that one of the surprisingly large "seeds" sprouted legs and crawled out of my glass. That was the last time I had a raspberry smoothie.

Friday I had another run in, this time in the bathroom instead of the kitchen. I picked up my hair dryer and went to put the diffuser attachment on the end of it (here's a pic link for all those who thought a diffuser was a solely a breathing distributes the hot air flow to help make curly hair less frizzy). So, I looked down at the nozzle and thought, "What is that brown thing sticking out? A clump of hair? A dust bunny?" No, it was a spider. A big spider. I gagged, dropped the hair dryer and ran into the hall and jumped around squealing. It's really too bad Ebs was the only one around to see my mini tantrum. It was impressive. Finally I went back and slowly picked up the hair dryer. The spider was too big to shake out between the slats so I grabbed a bobby pin and went to push it through and I believe that is the exact moment when I was scarred for life. Why?
It was crispy.
The spider. Was. Crispy.
It crunched.
Crispy Crunched.
I had fried it to a crisp crunch with the heat from drying my hair. Which means it was in there, while I was drying my hair.

Please note that the picture I took to prove this really happened is blurry because I was so freaked out I couldn't hold my phone still enough to get a decent photo. And for this I will not apologize because really? You would have been just as disgusted.


Sara said...

I've used my hair dryer (sans diffuser as well) as a spider weapon. I knew I couldn't take my eyes off the enormous furry thing on my bedroom floor, lest he scamper away somewhere awful, like My. Bed. So I sprayed him good with hair products and then fried him to a crisp. Gross, yes. But I didn't have to touch him, and definitely didn't have to crunch him dead. Shudder.

Anonymous said...

Ack! I sure would've. Gives me shivers just to think about it.

Kristen said...

OMG. I would've thrown the thing across the room and called my sister for help. She used to always kill the spiders for me growing up. :) That story made me gag and shudder too...

WoWo said...

too bad you don't have a sister that would help you with spiders. You can't count heavily on the brother in law when it comes to spiders or snakes either, but he's more reliable than me.

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