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70 Things To Do Before Having Children

According to this list on, I still have a few of these to do before having kids and even though there are a few I don't ever want to check off my list but overall I think I'm doing pretty well!

2. Take a month long vacation on the opposite side of the world in a city with a completely different culture. (Thailand for a month!)
6. Swim with the sharks. (Do stingrays count? Cause if so I totally did that.)

9. Throw the house party of all house parties. Supply all the booze and invite everyone you know. (Luau at my house!)
12. Become skilled with a musical instrument. (Piano, flute and piccolo. BOOYA.)
14. Live in the heart of New York City, Chicago, Boston or another major city for at least a year. (St. Paul and Madrid.)

16. Surf a Hawaiian wave. (I got my ass kicked by a wave on Seal Beach this year. Same ocean at least!)
17. Learn to speak a foreign language. (Spanish. I never mastered Pig Latin.)
20. Read at least 30 books.

21. Jump off a cliff into a natural body of water in an exotic location. (Cliff jumping in the Guadalquivir canyon, Spain.)
22. Go mountain climbing. (I kicked that mountain's ass in Andalucia.)
24. Go horseback riding on the beach.
25. Drink warm beer out of a barrel in a real Irish pub. (Brazen Head, Dublin.)
36. Master one particular style of dance.
37. Fall in love.
39. Drive through a (somewhat safe) portion of a third world country like Mexico or Costa Rica to gain perspective on what true poverty looks like.

40. Go skinny dipping in a large body of water at midnight.(Picture mere minutes at the Med Sea before I said, "Let's go skinny dipping," and everyone else said, "Ok!")
42. Decide on your current life goals and write them down.

44. Go on a blind date (or a couple’s dinner date with new friends you hardly know).

52. Switch jobs until you find one you truly enjoy.
53. Buy your first house.58. Learn to make one mixed cocktail like a pro bartender.
(Well since I was a bartender for 3 years I think that's a "check.")

60. Stand up in front of a large audience and tell a great joke.
61. Shoot a gun.
64. Learn to sail a sailboat.
69. Master a few fancy dinner recipes.
70. Finish up your formal education (but continue learning.)
(Cum Laude!)


Anonymous said...

I hate to break it to you, dear, but the Twin Cities do not a major city make. (Madrid I'll give you.)
The list actually deeply bothers me, so I'll just make one other point: Read 30 books? Really? It's come to that? I weep for the author.

Cal said...

The Twin Cities aren't a major city? Oooo, dems fightin words!

El Vato Suave said...

Hmm...The are 13th in the USA for population. Does that count as major?

In any case, I think that the original list is pretty sad. Why do so many involve either alcohol or sex? (Or a combination thereof)...

Cal said...

I'm not a huge fan of the original list but I do like the things off of it I've done. (Does that even make sense? Hmm...)

Chris said...

The point is to live life with no regrets, so when you have kids you don't look back and wonder what you've missed out on. And yes, Minneapolis IS considered a major city. Heck, just Google(tm) "US MAJOR CITIES". Unless of course you're just basing this off your personal opinion because you think you are better.

Great post Cal

Cal said...

Mmmm. I love controversy in comments. Thanks, Chris :)

Confusador said...

Apparently I forgot to put my handle in earlier, I should know better than to post in the morning.

@Chris: No, I was basing it off my personal opinion because I didn't know there was an official list. Hanlon's Razor, people! Now that I have done the recommended search though, I have to maintain my opinion. Wikipedia's map cuts off at 10, which is arbitrary but works for me since I didn't find anything remotely official.
The real point is that the article mentions NYC (19mil) and Chicago (9mil), and I would throw in LA (12mil), all of which are quant- and qual-itatively different from the Twin Cities (3mil, and 16th on the list). (Madrid is 7mil, and the largest in the country). It also mentions Boston (4 mill, 10th on the list), though, so by that definition you can make an argument for the Twin Cities. I'm sticking with Top 10 for the US for this point, though, and calling the Twin Cities a 'Big City', but not a 'Major City'.

@Cal: Bring it.

Andhari said...

Wow you've done a lot, swimming with sting rays sound nice too :)

Unknown said...

It's quite a story - how I "ended up" at your blog, this post - but the short of it is, I'd like to connect with you, somehow. Facebook? Email? I'm from MN (St. Cloud) but been a lot of places (like you, only mostly stateside) and I also blog (just started recently). Broadening my circle of influence and making new friends along the way...and enjoy your writing:~)

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