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Outline Schmoutline

For class last night I had to write an outline for the Leadership Case paper I'll be writing at the end of the semester. Basically we have to pick an organization and analyze its leadership. The 20-25 page paper doesn't worry me a bit but the outline? I hate writing paper outlines.
My paper never ends up following it and then I have to revise the outline to reflect what I've written. How ass-backward is that?
Sister offered to do it for me, or at least get me started, in an effort to assuage my annoyance with the assignment (check out that alliteration!).
Below is what she oh-so-kindly wrote for me. If they couldn't expel me for plagiarism, I would have turned it in last night.
As it is, I ended up having to start from scratch and write it myself but her attempt at least got me de-crabbified enough to do it!


Anonymous said...

This is probably the best outline ever.

Lisamaree said...

I can never resist a yiddish-ism in a blog title.

But hey, why bother with an outline? The only reason I ever did those was in the last 30 mins of an exam when I knew that 3rd essay wasnt going to get written.


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