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More old lady moments

Kelsey: Do---you----leave----bar?
Me: Huh?
Kelsey: ---said---when---you---to---bar?
Me: Kels, I can't hear you!
(she leans over toward me)
Kelsey: I said, when do you want to leave for the bar?
Me: Oh, sorry, yeah whenever.
Kelsey: Do they have to turn the music up so loud?
Me: I know! I can barely hear myself think.
Me: Also, could we sound more like our grandmothers?
Kelsey: I'm thinking no.
Me: Kids these days...
Walking to my parking ramp I noticed traffic was backed up but not at the light, in the middle of the block. Getting closer I could see the cause of the slow down. Frat guys were playing catch over the street between their lawns. As one missed the ball and ran out into the street I thought to myself, "Ok they need to stop or someone is going to get seriously hurt." Then I thought to myself, "Wow. I'm old."
Over our coffee cups I could see him doing the math in his yead. "You're 23? I never would have guessed it. The way you carry yourself I'd put you more at, 70. Maybe 75."
What is your halloween costume?
I'm not sure yet. Something warm and comfortable, those are my only requirements.
Don't you want to look cute? What if you meet a cute guy?
Warm. And comfortable. That's it.


Sharon said...

Hi there-LOL, warm and comfortable is about right for me too!! have a great time!

Kristen said...

haha - these thoughts are all too familar for me. I feel ya!

El Vato Suave said...

Yeah... of course, seminary made me into an old man at the age of 20...

Lisamaree said...

"And it isn't even music, just boomba da boombada"

Just stop when you find yourself looking at velour as daywear, mmokay?

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