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Premio Daros Blog Award

My first ever blog award! Ms. Sharon Rose has awarded me the Premio Daros Blog Award, isn't she sweet? Here is the description of it:

This award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. (Loose translation)
Here it is in its original Portugese form: O conceito deste prémio passa por reconhecer valores culturais, éticos, literários e pessoais, transmitidos de forma criativa e original nos pedacinhos rabiscados por cada blogueiro que o receba.

The best part of blog awards is getting to pass them on so, here we go!
1.) Victoria of Agnes and Henry: the stories about her beautiful kitten cats always make me smile and her photography is so beautiful it makes me jealous
2) Mykala of Unicorndog: perhaps I'm a bit biased since I've know this lady for a while now and she is one of my favorite people in the world, but her writing rocks.
3) Hammie of Hammie's Blog: part of what I love about this sweet lady is that she can be as rambly as me but still makes perfect sense...she is full of wisdom and I feel lucky to get some of it!

Thank you, Sharon Rose, for making my heart go pitter patter on a cold, windy, rain filled day.


Lisamaree said...

Thankyou, what a pretty award.
Yes, I know I can be rambly, I have been counselled on it. But sometimes I don't know what I am saying until I have quite finished.

Anyhoo, will be doing a couple of cheap and easy "take photos of your cute kids" posts for the next week, School Holidays you know!!

Thanks again, and right back at you ramblee.

Cal said...

You're welcome and I hope you know I meant the "rambly" thing as a compliment!

Sharon said...

Hi cal-you're soo welcome, hope you have a lovely weekend too!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Fun! Thank you! I don't care if you're biased or not-- I feel honored nonetheless!

(I don't really know how this sort of thing works, so any hints you can give me are well appreciated!)

Also, baby sister came home this week, and I passed on some of your clothes. Needless to say, she was a very excited girl!

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