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Hello, FBI agents!

Hellooooooooooo FBI agents at my office.
Is there any way I could borrow one of your suits so I can be you for Halloween? The sunglasses would help, too.
I would give you credit and everything, "Costuming by Agent Smith." It'll be great for your resume.
Still no?
Well how about this, I'm sure you have more than one dark, ominous looking suit. I'll just wear one of your spares and we can go to the party together as the MIB. Ooo, and bring your dog, that'll make it even more realistic.
I cannot believe you aren't going for this. "Official business" does not count as an excuse in my book.
Oh another thing though, one of my co-workers said it is their dream to be tackled by the FBI. Do you think we could at least hook that up? I promised to take video of it on my cell phone and put it on youtube.
Fine, then I'll keep your face out of it if you'd like.
You're a tough one. I suppose I'll let you get back to sweeping the building.
Wait! Do you think Hil would let me borrow her suit for this years costume?
Of course "Senator Clinton" wouldn't mind that I call her Hil. She's cool like that. Unlike some people I know who are a little bit uptight...
Noooo, of course I wasn't referring to you.
Gotta go, Agent Smith. Have a great day!

Sidenote: This conversation did not actually happen. Well, it did, but only in my head as I watched safely from the 5th floor windows as the FBI agents swept the entrances for Hillary Clinton's appearance in my office building last night.


Angela said...

so are you dressing up as gal in black? : )

Sharon said...

Hi there-what a story!! BTW, I've given you an award my dear!

Cal said...

you know, savvy, i hadn't thought about actually dressing up as that but perhaps! i was thinking more along the lines of being a flapper girl. sequins or black suits...hmm.

thanks sharon! you're too good to me.

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Sidenote by Sidenote Cal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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