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Crazy dream

Some people don't remember their dreams. I usually do. This is what I was up to last night in a very stream-of-consciousness-exactly-how-I-remember-it kind of way.

my mom made me go on this retreat through my elementary school st. joes but i really didn't want to go so she said she would go with me but i had no time to pack so i just threw some stuff in my old purple backpack from high school which actually went to goodwill several years ago and i went to the school to catch the bus but the grounds were being renovated and i didn't recognize anything so i couldn't find my mom or the buses and i kept running in circles trying to get around the giant pits that were being dug for the foundations and eventually i had to ask the construction workers but they didn't speak english but all of a sudden i found the busses on my own so we all got loaded onto them when suddenly i realized i had forgotten to pack any clothes and i was wearing a bright neon green t-shirt and i told my mom i refused to wear it all week because it was so ugly and everyone would notice that i had it on for a week because of the color so she told me to go home and get my clothes but barb who was the dance studio owner from when i was 3 was outside the bus with a megaphone counting down until we had to leave so i left and literally ran all the way to my parents house from st. joes which would normally be a few miles only st. joes wasn't where st. joes actually is it was where emmanual luthern school is and that is only a few blocks from my parents so i could actually run that far and when i got home i packed all of my things and ran back but again i couldn't find my bus because the two busses had split up and they made me to go the one my mom wasn't on and it was hidden and then when i got there the only place there was room was in the very back i got on and opened my bag to get my ipod out and ebbie was in there so i told the bus driver he had to stop and go back to the house so i could drop the cat off but when we got there both garage doors were open which somehow signalled my dad was home but i couldn't find him and every time i put ebbie down she ran back outside to get on the bus because she didn't want to be left behind and eventually i got her in the house and turned on the alarm system and ran back to the bus again and when i got on i was so out of breath and annoyed that i said "holy sh$%" and the bus got really quiet and everyone looked at me because you're not allowed to swear on retreat so i got kicked out and went home and took a nap and i was happy because i didn't want to go in the first place


El Vato Suave said...

Hmm... Remarkably coherent. Usually my dreams aren't nearly as logical.

Except for that one when I was sent into the future to witness the end of the world as it slowly froze.

Or the one when the sun exploded and vaporized everything. Yes, I'm a nerd. I've dreamed of being incinerated in a supernova!

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