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Bubble tea

At lunch with a colleague today I was exposed to something entirely new, slightly scary, but generally entertaining: bubble tea. Where to begin? First, you have to select a regular tea-ish item off the menu. There are shakes and lattes and chai shakes and the list goes on and on. After that, you pick a flavor. Each different type of tea drink has about 20+ flavors to go with it: almond, vanilla almond, papaya, taro, mint. So, pick a drink, pick a flavor, add bubbles. The bubbles are the crazy part. Half gummy, half goey, with a touch of slippery...factor in that they are black and it's all a little overwhelming. One cool thing is that they put a plastic sealed top on as a lid so you have to use the giant straw to poke through the saran wrap like top to get to your drink. That part, was fun. The first bubble made my eyes get big and I definitely squeaked, kind of like I did when the cow licked me, but from there on out it was a little weird. Once I started I felt the need to follow through but I just couldn't quite eat all of my bubbles. Emily did the tea justice so at least one of us finished what we started. Overall, a fun experience on a hot summer day...evey if the bubbles feel a little odd in my belly now.
(Picture from Google images)


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