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...or not.
I haven't updated in forever, since the day before my surgery in fact, because I knew anything I wrote would be incredibly sad and pathetic and who wants to read about that?
As it is, things still kind of suck. I'm back on a no solid food diet because of yet more complications from getting my wisdom teeth removed. There isn't much I can eat because really, no-chewing foods are fairly limited. On the plus side Liz, in her sympathy for my condition, actually let me steal some of her cookie dough...probably a first in Liz's life.
I read Margaret Atwood's The Handmaiden's Tale in a solid 24 hours. It was wonderful, even if it did give me strange nightmares when combined with codine. The only good thing about that part of the ordeal was the fact that my dear friend Donny told me stories in the middle of the night to calm me down and put me back to sleep. That kid can babble about the most random things like nobody else I know. Maybe someday I'll tell the story of the Sleep Deprivators, also known as S. Deps., or the three amigos- Banana, Grape and Starfruit...but just maybe.
One of my new favorite things isn't actually new at all but quite old. It is a pin I got from my grandma Doris that says "Rockefeller for President" with a lovely headshot of the man himself. Its great. Too bad I forgot to wear it during the campaign.
Lettie Bumpkins and I went shopping yesterday which was fun except that everytime I go shopping with her she never buys anything but I always manage to make quite a few purchases. Jeans, a necklace, a tank top, sweater, shirt and pin...all on sale but the jeans. I think I have a problem, its like a disease this shopping buisness.
The Impala did a commendable job pretending to be an ambulance the other day but good news is that Nate's ankle is not broken.
Bekah-boo's mamma is in town and when I was telling someone that it came out as "Bekah's Mamma-boo is in town." We'll see if I accidentally slip and actually call the woman that to her face tomorrow during coffee.
Cookie night on south tonight...I just might make an appearance. We'll just have to wait and see. I might as well since five different groups are meeting here tonight and have officially banished myself to my bedroom. The life of a Common Ground Girl...
:end sidenote


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