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"pirates of the mississippi"

---2004 crew t-shirt
So last night as I was falling asleep I was trying to decide if I could post about my experiences that evening and I still haven't completely decided. It was the Padelford end of the year party for all crew members...chaos reigned and the amount of debauchery was ridiculous.
In the time it took me to write those two sentances I've decided details should be kept to my real journal...the one no one else has access too. It is for the greater good. A classic Gus Gaspardo comment that pretty much sums up a lot of the goings on last night is, "It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last."
Since last night, however, I have completed all of my SOAR responsibilities, got an El Burrito Mercado fix with Katie, commissioned (and I use that term loosely) a painting for my room, survived the first official house meeting without getting voted out, ate a splendid dinner with some great women, saw my Annie for the first time since last spring, and am now contemplating bed. Jenny commented that I seem to sleep a lot but it is actually that I am anticipating the lack of sleep that usually ensues after the beginning of the school year so I have been trying to sleep as much as possible...not including last night. Tiff added that I do tend to be a "napper." What can I say? I do enjoy my sleep time. Tomorrow there will be a reunion breakfast at the Binz for my annual oatmeal breakfast on the first day of school. Yes, I am having one of my housemates take a picture of me tomorrow so that my mom will not miss a year of first day of school pictures.
The jersey cotton sheets are calling.
:end sidenote


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Sidenote by Sidenote Cal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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